AI Patterns and Breadboard

In my last post, I kept talking about AI patterns, but kept it a bit vague. I thought it might be useful to share a couple of examples to describe what I mean by “AI patterns” a bit more clearly. Once again, put your technical hats on.

🗺️ How to read AI pattern diagrams

As part of practicing the “build a thing to build the thing” principle, we implemented quite a few of AI patterns in Breadboard. I will use the diagrams we generate from the boards (thank you Mermaid.js!) to illustrate the patterns. Here’s a quick guide on how to read the diagrams – and as a happy coincidence, a brief overview of Breadboard concepts.

 🔵 The inquisitively blue parallelogram represents the “input” node. This is where the user’s input is requested by the pattern. Because most patterns ask for input first, it’s a good place to start when tracing the flow of the graph.

🟢 The cheerfully green hexagon is the “output” node, which provides the output to the user of the pattern. For many patterns, that’s the end point, the journey’s destination, while for a few – just a brief stopover.

🟡 The curiously yellow boxes are all nodes that do interesting stuff. For example, “generateText” node invokes the LLM, while “promptTemplate” combines a template and various bits of text into a prompt that’s suitable for the LLM. Most of the time, you can guess what the function does by looking at its name.

🔴 The protectively red box with rounded corners is the “secrets” node, which has access to the user’s sensitive data. For most (all?) patterns, it is used to retrieve and pass the API Key to unlock the ability to invoke the large language model.

🍷 The variously-shaped wine-colored boxes are utility nodes: they are mostly here to serve other nodes by supplying important data and making it possible for graphs to be composable and useful. We’ll be mostly ignoring them here – but I will very likely be back to sing their song in the future.

Most nodes will have a two-line label. The first line is the type of the node and a second is its unique identifier. Because there can be multiple nodes of the same type, we need an id to distinguish between them.

 Just like with the literal breadboards,  nodes are connected with wires. Wires are represented by lines with arrows. The direction of the arrow on each wire represents the flow of information. So, when the graph shows this:

… it means that the information flows from the “promptTemplate” node to the “generateText” node.

Each wire is labeled. All labels have the same consistent “out->in” format. A good way to think of it is that every node may have multiple inputs and outputs. The wires connect these inputs and outputs.

In the example above, the output named “prompt” of the “promptTemplate” node is wired to the input named “text” of the “generateText” node. Most of the time, it’s not difficult to infer the purpose of the wire. Like, the wire above flows the prompt produced by the “promptTemplate” node as input of the “generateText” node. If you are curious about all the ins and outs of nodes (pun intended!), check out this guide on Github.

Some wires will have a circle at the end of them, rather than an arrow. These are constant wires. There’s a lot more to them, but for now, a good way to think of them is that they are here to specify constant values. Like in the diagram below, the “template” utility node supplies a constant “template” input to the “promptTemplate” node. 

With this quick Breadboard refresher out of the way, we’re ready to dig into the actual patterns. To keep this post from becoming a book, I’ll give you only three examples.

 🧮 The Calculator pattern

Let’s start with the widely used Calculator pattern (you can also see it here in on Github, implemented in Breadboard):

The structure of this pattern is very simple: user input goes into the “promptTemplate” node, which produces a prompt that goes into the “generateText” node, the output of which is fed to “runJavascript” node, and the result is returned as output.

As it often happens with AI patterns, the magic is in the contents of the prompt template. In this pattern, the LLM is used to find solutions to mathematical problems in a very clever way. 

As you may have heard, LLMs aren’t so great at math. So instead of approaching the problem head-on, we lean onto LLM’s strength: we convert a math problem into a language problem.

In the Calculator pattern, we ask the LLM to do what it does best: generate text. We ask it to write code that solves a math problem, rather than try to find the answer to the question. Here’s a prompt to do that:

Translate the math problem below into a JavaScript function named `compute` that can be executed to provide the answer to the problem.
Math Problem: {{question}}

Because writing code is a language problem, LLMs are pretty good at it. So, with a high degree of consistency, the output of the LLM will be a function that, when run, produces the right answer. Leave computation to the old-style computers. Let LLMs write code that will be computed.

For instance, when we replace the {{question}} placeholder with:

What is the square root
of the perimeter of a circle w
ith a diameter of 5?

The LLM will happily produce this function:

function compute() {
  const diameter = 5;
  const radius = diameter / 2;
  const perimeter = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
  return Math.sqrt(perimeter);

Which, when executed, will give us the correct answer of `3.963327297606011`. If you ask any conversational agent today a math question and it surprises you with an accurate answer, chances are that some variant of the Calculator pattern is being employed.

📰 The Summarizer pattern

Another common pattern builds on the LLM’s strength of narrating information, even when presented with bits of random content. I experimented with this ability early this year, and here’s an implementation of the pattern in Breadboard (also here on Github):

When we look at the structure above, we can see that user input splits into two paths.

The first route is circuitous. It takes us through the “urlTemplate” node that creates a valid URL (it’s a Google News RSS feed with the topic as the query), which is then fed to the “fetch” node. The “fetch” node grabs the contents of this URL, and sends it to the “xmlToJson” and “jsonata” nodes that munge RSS into a list of headlines.

The second and the first route meet up at the “promptTemplate” node, where they predictable move to the “generateText” node and, finally, the result is presented to the user.

The concept is fairly straightforward: give the LLM a topic and a few sentences, and request a summary. If – as is the case in the graph above – we are summarizing news headlines, a prompt will look something like this:

Use the news headlines below to write a few sentences to summarize the latest news on this topic:
## Headlines{{headlines}}
## Summary:

In this prompt, we have two placeholders: the {{topic}}, which is where the subject of summarization will go, and the {{headlines}}, where we will plug in the various headlines from a news source (Google News).

The key distinction between just asking an LLM a question and using this pattern is that we’re not relying on LLM’s parametric memory to contain the answer. We’re not asking it to find the answer for us. Instead, we are only employing its narrative-making abilities, supplying the raw information in the prompt.

So, if I for example put “breadboards” into the {{topic}} placeholder, and the following list of headlines from Google News (just the first first 20 for this particular board) into the {{headlines}} placeholder:

Thermochromic Treatment Keeps Solderless Breadboards Smokeless - Hackaday
Jumper Wires For Electronic Components - IndiaTimes
10 hostess hacks to make your food look better than it is - Colorado Springs Gazette
Gabriel's Cyberdeck Red V2 Packs in a LattePanda Delta 3, Analog Discovery 2, HackRF One, and More -
How to Measure Voltage on a Breadboard - MUO - MakeUseOf
The Ultimate Breadboard Platform? -
Building Circuits Flexibly - Hackaday
Lewiston Art Festival: A 'dinosaur' of woodwork - Niagara Gazette
Podcast 220: Transparent Ice, Fake Aliens, And Bendy Breadboards ... - Hackaday
Flexboard: a flexible breadboard for flexible and rapid prototyping of ... - Tech Explorist
Derek Fogt | Communities | -
MARNI JAMESON: Compensate for humdrum food with stylish ... - Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Build HMI screens with MicroLayout for your Meadow Apps -
Tidy Breadboard Uses Banana Bread - Hackaday
Old 6809 Computer Lives Again On Breadboards - Hackaday
My Favorite Things: Hardware Hacking and Reverse Engineering - Security Boulevard
Luna in Cocoa Beach offers serves thoughtful modern Italian food - Florida Today
Teaching Method Increases Students' Interest in Programming and ... - University of Arkansas Newswire
From A 6502 Breadboard Computer To Lode Runner And Beyond - Hackaday
How to Breadboard Electronics Projects with Raspberry Pi Pico - Tom's Hardware

… we will get this output from an LLM:

The latest news on breadboards include a new thermochromic treatment
that keeps solderless breadboards smokeless, a flexible breadboard for
flexible and rapid prototyping, and a new method for teaching students
programming and electronics.

For the quality of the junk we fed it, it ain’t half bad!

The Summarizer pattern has a much more popular cousin named Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is all the rage these days, and everyone wants to have one. If we peek under the covers, we’ll recognize the Summarizer pattern combined with another neat LLM capability of semantic embeddings into the Voltron of patterns.

🔁 The ReAct pattern

I would be remiss not to bring up ReAct when talking about AI patterns. This pattern ushered the new mini-era of LLM applications, a breakthrough that redefined what LLMs can do.

The ReAct pattern is different from the ones mentioned earlier, because it is cyclical: rather than asking an LLM once, it may do so several times, repeating until the problem is solved.

ReAct introduces this really interesting idea that we can induce chain-of-thought reasoning capabilities in LLMs if we structure our interaction with them in a certain way. In this chain of thought, the LLM interacts with the outside environment, suggesting actions to take and then reason about the outcomes of these actions.

I’ve talked about LLM-based reasoning a few times before, so this concept shouldn’t be entirely novel to my readers.

In ReAct, the key trick is in establishing a predictable beat of reasoning within the prompt:

1️⃣ First comes the Question – the question that the user asks
2️⃣ Then, comes the Thought – the opportunity for an LLM to reason about what to do next
3️⃣ After Thought is Action – LLM’s suggested action to take
4️⃣ Finally, the Observation – the outcome of the action, supplied by the tool 

Steps 2️⃣,  3️⃣,  and 4️⃣ keep repeating until the answer is found. 

The LLM is only allowed to pipe in on steps 2️⃣ and 3️⃣: that is, it can only produce the “Thought” and “Action” parts of the overall sequence.

Step 1️⃣ is provided by the user, and the observation in step 4️⃣ is supplied as the outcome of whatever action the LLM suggested to take.

As the steps repeat, all of these steps are being added to the overall prompt, allowing the LLM to see the history of the interaction and reason about it. In this way, and unlike in the Calculator and Summarizer patterns, the ReAct pattern simulates memory: with each invocation, the LLM can see how it acted in the past.

It’s a pretty convoluted contraption, as you can see it from the Breadboard implementation (here on Github):

However, the presence of memory and a repeating cadence of steps guides LLMs to allow it to answer much more complex and interesting questions. The answers are no longer produced in one go. Instead, LLMs walk toward the answer in multiple iterations.

Let’s see if we can make it a bit more concrete by breaking down an actual transcript of a ReAct pattern solving a problem.

First, we supply the question:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?

In response, the LLM the produces the following Thought and Action steps:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?
2️⃣ Thought: I need to find the distance between earth and moon
3️⃣ Action: search
   Action Input: distance between earth and moon

The LLM is asking to search for the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Notice that it is not trying to make up the answer. It is merely suggesting the next action to take. Taking control over from the LLM, the ReAct pattern invokes search and produces the following Observation:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?
2️⃣ Thought: I need to find the distance between earth and moon
3️⃣ Action: search
   Action Input: distance between earth and moon
4️⃣ Observation: 384,400 km

With the observation in hand, the ReAct pattern hands control back to the LLM, and get this response:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?
2️⃣ Thought: I need to find the distance between earth and moon
3️⃣ Action: search
   Action Input: distance between earth and moon
4️⃣ Observation: 384,400 km
2️⃣ Thought: I need to square root this distance
3️⃣ Action: math
   Action Input: sqrt(384400)

Great! Now the LLM wants us to do math. Fine. The ReAct machinery rattles and burrs, and produces the next Observation:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?
2️⃣ Thought: I need to find the distance between earth and moon
3️⃣ Action: search
   Action Input: distance between earth and moon
4️⃣ Observation: 384,400 km
2️⃣ Thought: I need to square root this distance
3️⃣ Action: math
   Action Input: sqrt(384400)
4️⃣ Observation: 620

The ReAct pattern yields control back to the LLM, and it triumphantly declares victory:

1️⃣ Question: what is the square root of the distance between earth and moon in kilometers?
2️⃣ Thought: I need to find the distance between earth and moon
3️⃣ Action: search
   Action Input: distance between earth and moon
4️⃣ Observation: 384,400 km
2️⃣ Thought: I need to square root this distance
3️⃣ Action: math
   Action Input: sqrt(384400)
4️⃣ Observation: 620
2️⃣ Thought: I now know the final answer
   Final Answer: 620

Great job, model. You did it.

The ReAct pattern also introduces, almost as an afterthought, the concept of tools. Since the LLM is asked to suggest an action, it seems useful to specify the kinds of tools the LLM has at its disposal.

In the transcript above, the “search” and “math” tools were used. For other kinds of problems, there might be a need for other kinds of tools. 

This is where the most valuable aspect of the ReAct pattern resides: if we can specify our own tools, we can make LLMs do useful things. For example, I could hand it a “calendar” tool, an “email” tool, and a list of my friends and ask it to schedule a lunch for us. Or I could turn it into a menu-ordering system, where it would rely on menu-understanding tools to take customer orders.

The pattern stays the same,  but the tools change. With the ReAct pattern, we can build actual helpful agents. If you’ve been watching the LLM space, you have no doubt noticed a lot of activity around this notion.

🍞Patterns with Breadboard

These are just a few examples of interesting patterns that emerged in the generative AI space in the last few months. Honestly, the pace of pattern discovery has been nuts. So far, I see no signs of it slowing down. What I’d like to do with Breadboard is to help make these patterns more legible to everyone – so that more people can play with them, create their own, and explore this fascinating space together.

My intuition is that when we lower the barrier to entry to this process of discovery and make it easy to tell whether the new pattern is good or not, we have a better chance of exploring the space more thoroughly and realizing the full potential of large language models.

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