Placing and wiring nodes in Breadboard

This one is also a bit on the more technical side. It’s also reflective of where most of my thinking is these days. If you enjoy geeking out on syntaxes and grammars of opinionated Javascript APIs, this will be a fun adventure – and an invitation.

In this essay, I’ll describe the general approach I took in designing the Breadboard library API and the reasoning behind it. All of this is still in flux, just barely meeting the contact with reality.

One of key things I wanted to accomplish with this project is the ability to express graphs in code. To make this work, I really wanted the syntax to feel light and easy, and take as few characters as possible, while still being easy to grasp. I also wanted for the API to feel playful and not too stuffy.

There are four key beats to the overall story of working with the API:

1️⃣ Creating a board and adding kits to it
2️⃣ Placing nodes on the board
3️⃣ Wiring nodes
4️⃣ Running and debugging the board.

Throughout the development cycle, makers will likely spend most of their time in steps 2️⃣ and 3️⃣, and then lean on step 4️⃣ to make the board act according to their intention. To get there with minimal suffering, it seemed important to ensure that placing nodes and wiring them results in code that is still readable and understandable when running the board and debugging it.

This turned out to be a formidable challenge. Unlike trees, directed graphs – and particularly directed graphs with cycles – aren’t as easy for us humans to comprehend. This appears to be particularly true when graphs are described in the sequential medium of code. 

I myself ended up quickly reaching for a way to visualize the boards I was writing. I suspect that most API consumers will want that, too – at least at the beginning. As I started developing more knack for writing graphs in code, I became less reliant on visualizations.

To represent graphs visually, I chose Mermaid, a diagramming and charting library. The choice was easy, because it’s a library that is built into Github Markdown, enabling easy documentation of graphs. I am sure there are better ways to represent graphs visually, but I followed my own “one miracle at a time” principle and went with a tool that’s already widely available.

🎛️ Placing nodes on the board

The syntax for placing nodes of the board is largely inspired by D3: the act of placement is a function call. As an example, every Board instance has a node called `input`. Placing the `input` node on the board is a matter of calling `input()` function on that instance:

import { Board } from “@google-labs/breadboard;

// create new Board instance
const board = new Board();
// place a node of type `input` on the board.

After this call, the board contains an input node.

You can get a reference to it:

const input = board.input();

And then use that reference elsewhere in your code. You can place multiple inputs on the board:

const input1 = board.input();
const input2 = board.input();

Similarly, when adding a new kit to the board, each kit instance has a set of functions that can be called to place nodes of various types on the board to which the kit was added:

import { Starter } from “@google-labs/llm-starter;

// Add new kit to the existing board
const kit = board.addKit(Starter);

// place the `generateText` node on the board.
// for more information about this node type, see:

Hopefully, this approach will be fairly familiar and uncontroversial to folks who use JS libraries in their work. Now, onto the more hairy (wire-ey?) bits.

🧵 Wiring nodes

To wire nodes, I went with a somewhat unconventional approach. I struggled with a few ideas here, and ended up with a syntax that definitely looks weird, at least at first.

Here’s a brief outline of the crux of the problem.  In Breadboard, a  wire connects two nodes. Every node has inputs and outputs. For example, the `generateText` node that calls the PaLM API `generateText` method accepts several input properties, like the API key and the text of the prompt, and produces outputs, like the generated text.

So, to make a connection between two nodes meaningful, we need to somehow capture four parameters:

➡️  The tail, or node from which the wire originates.
⬅️ The head, or the the node toward which the wire is directed.
🗣️ The from property, or the output of the tail node from which the wire connects 
👂 The to property, or the input of the head node to which the wire connects

To make this more concrete, let’s code up a very simple board:

import { Board } from "@google-labs/breadboard";

// create a new board
const board = new Board();
// place input node on the board
const tail = board.input();
// place output node on the board
const head = board.output();

Suppose that next, we would like to connect property named “say” in `tail` to property named “hear” in `head`. To do this,  I went with  the following syntax:

// Wires `tail` node’s output named `say` to `head` node’s output named `hear`.
tail.wire(“say->hear, head);

Note that the actual wire is expressed as a string of text.  This is a bit unorthodox, but it provides a nice symmetry: the code literally looks like the diagram above. First, there’s the outgoing node, then the wire, and finally the incoming node.

This syntax also easily affords fluent interface programming, where I can keep wiring nodes in the same long statement. For example, here’s how the LLM-powered calculator pattern from the post about AI patterns looks like when written with Breadboard library:

math.input({ $id: "math-question" }).wire(
      "Translate the math problem below into a JavaScript function named" +
      "`compute` that can be executed to provide the answer to the" +
      "problem\nMath Problem: {{question}}\nSolution:",
      { $id: "math-function" }
        .generateText({ $id: "math-function-completion" })
            .runJavascript("compute->", { $id: "compute" })
            .wire("result->text", math.output({ $id: "print" }))
        .wire("<-PALM_KEY", kit.secrets(["PALM_KEY"]))

Based on early feedback, there’s barely a middle ground of reactions to this choice of syntax. People either love it and find it super-cute and descriptive (“See?! It literally looks like a graph!”) or they hate it and never want to use it again (“What are all these strings? And why is that arrow pointing backward?!”) Maybe such contrast of opinions is a good thing?

However, aside from differences in taste,  the biggest downside of this approach is that the wire is  expressed as a string: there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes between these double-quotes. Especially in a strongly-typed land of TypeScript, this feels like a loss of fidelity – a black hole in the otherwise tight system. I have already found myself frustrated by a simple misspelling in the wire string, and it seems like a real problem.

I played briefly with TypeScript template literal types, and even built a prototype that can show syntax errors when the nodes are miswired. However, I keep wondering – maybe there’s an even better way to do that?

So here’s an invitation: if coming up with a well-crafted TypeScript/Javascript API is something that you’re excited about, please come join our little Discord and help us Breadboard folks find an even better way to capture graphs in code. We would love your help and appreciate your wisdom.

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