First, Inaugural


My name is Dimitri Glazkov. I work for Gandalf Development, Inc., in Estrada Web Technology division. Estrada is a content management system, which originated (with my help) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and was later exclusively licensed by my company. My job is to define (and refine) the direction of the product and keep us in the competitive fold. I am also working on a couple of Web site projects, primarily in higher education and government. In addition, I occasionally get invited to talk about Web technology, content management, and life in general (Ok, I am not actually invited to talk about the last one, but they get it anyway). Being a software architect, developer, tester, implementer, troubleshooter, instructor, project manager, and a public speaker all in one is not only fun, but it also makes for some good stories and bits of knowledge all of which you, my reader, may find amusing or perhaps even useful.

But enough about me, let’s get this thing started!