Degrees of Open Source

I realized that I never captured what I learned about the nature of open source projects anywhere, so here’s one attempt to rectify this omission.

The way I understand the concept of “open source” is that it’s a way of running a software project. In this definition hides a gazillion of options, and I will try to lay them out in a spectrum. Understanding these options as a spectrum has helped me quite a bit in reasoning about software project strategy, and I hope this will be helpful for you, too.

As bookends for our spectrum, let’s position two radical alternatives: fully closed-source and fully open source projects. As an example that might resonate with Web developers, we can see that the late Internet Explorer fits very close to the fully closed-source extreme and Firefox is at the other side of the spectrum.

To place other projects on the line between these bookends, we need a couple of notches. I will define these notches loosely, and give them numbers. So, any project that you’re evaluating for their degree of open source, you can use the whole part of the number as the rough estimate of where a project sits within the spectrum, and then the decimal part to adjust more finely.

We will also have two numbers! They are both located on the same scale. One number will reflect visibility and the other participation. Project visibility describes how much the general public can see into the project, and participation shows how much anyone can engage with the project. So, to describe Internet Explorer, we can firmly give it two zeroes: zero for visibility and zero for participation, or v0p0. I will use this convention from here on: a string of “vNpM”, where N is the number indicating the scale of visibility, and M is the number indicating the scale of participation for a project.

How high can these numbers go? I propose that we use a what/how/why framing. It seems to fit well. Think of the spectrum that defines the degrees of open source as separated by three veils of invisibility.  

🏠 The what

The first veil is the “what” veil. Outside of it, all you get is the final artifact – the product that resulted from compiling/running/hosting the source code. Anything that’s outside of this veil will get a grade of zero (0) in our scale on both participation and visibility.

Once this veil is lifted, we can start seeing into the “what” of the project. For example, we could start seeing the source code itself, even if it’s just some file with source code in it. We can examine what was written, and try to understand what the code does. Anything that’s between this veil and the next gets a one (1) in visibility. 

To evaluate participation, we ask the question: “how can a random developer who comes by this code provide feedback on it?” For example, does the project have the means to allow commenting on code or perhaps making suggestions or filing bugs? A good example of an OSS project that is at v1p0 is Apple MacOS OSS distributions on Github: you can see the code, but there’s literally nothing else you can do to participate. Should this project gain some means of communication (a mailing list, a Discord server, a bug tracker, etc.) that allow the general public to contribute their insights, it would move to a v1p1.

🏗️ The how

The next veil is the “how” veil, outside of which we can see what the source code is, but can only guess about how it’s been written.

After we lift this veil, we can start seeing how the code is being written. We can start getting a sense of the units of work (bugs, commits, etc.) and how they come together as the source code. Inside this veil, we start seeing things like actual commits by actual contributors, rather than automated bot code dumps. Importantly, we start seeing how these commits are connected to particular bugs and feature requests, and the actual engineering/product discussions about them are revealed.

Participating at this level means that there is a path for anyone to introduce their own units of work into the project: to start contributing to these discussions, to start and guide them, to create pull requests and have a path to merge them, etc. Depending on the kind of set up the project chooses, there are many different ways to do so, but the key property of achieving this degree of open source participation is that anyone can walk up to the project and contribute meaningfully to how the project’s source code comes together.

Projects that have visibility and/or participation beyond the veil of “how” will have a grade of two (2). For example, a v2p1 project will have its bug tracker and commits open to the public, but no way to actually become a committer to the project, outside of filing bugs or providing ad hoc feedback. Lots of open source projects that come from large companies are run this way. With a v2p1 project, I as a random developer can check out the code, follow the steps to get it running, and even fork it. What I can’t do is join the circle of project developers and say things like: “Oh, I really love what you’re doing with <foo>! Here’s a PR to refactor <foo> for clarity”.

To get to v2p2, a project must have a clear path to do so. Typically, there’s some section on the project site that describes how one can start contributing, outlining the development environment, and the basic processes that go into the “how”. Apple’s Webkit is a great example of such a project, with a clear outline on how to get started with the source code, and how to begin to contribute. There’s even a diagram outlining the process flow as well as the famously elegant code style guidelines. Effectively, it’s a batteries-included participation toolkit: as much as possible, the tacit knowledge of the team is documented clearly and concisely. If one has the necessary programming skills, they can jump right in. 

📐 The why

The final veil is the “why” veil. Beyond that veil, we find the project’s motivations and strategy. Why is this project even here? What are the leaders of the project thinking? Why are we choosing to work on this unit of work and not the other?

This is the realm of project governance. Giving the general public the ability to understand (visibility) and/or influence (participation) project direction is the ultimate degree of openness for a project, and we give it the degree of three (3) on our scale.

Many open source foundations take this approach. It’s not for the faint of heart, since the “why” can contain significant value. A project that adopts a v3p2 stance is effectively accepting that the value of the project is not within the confines of the organization that runs it, but rather in the community that gathers around the project.

Such projects will openly state their intentions, outline their strategy and approach, and eagerly look for feedback. The whole idea is to lean onto the wisdom of the crowd to get it right.

An even more radical stance is v3p3, where there is a path for anyone to contribute to the governance itself – not just evaluating and helping shape directions and priorities, but also change them. In projects like this, in addition to clear roadmaps and open strategy, the governance is fully transparent, and there isn’t a point at which the capacity to make decisions goes into a tunnel.

✨ The Open Source Scale

Now we have our four-grade scale, with the numbers going from zero (0) to three (3). When visibility and participation are combined, I presented them in a bit of a pattern: the visibility goes one in front of participation, with participation catching up.

Are there other combinations of grades? Are there v3p0 or v0p2 projects out there? Maybe, although my experience tells me they are rare. Typically, a successful open source project only has one degree of difference between the grades, and the participation trails the visibility. One can’t participate at a certain grade, without having visibility at the same grade. Similarly, the setups where participation trails by too much (like v2p0) are rarely sustainable: eventually the project owners arrive at “what’s the point?” question and either close down visibility or further open up participation.

The key insight for y’all: the difference between the two grades nearly always results in additional overhead and friction. The larger the difference, the more likely it is that the project will be overwhelmed by this overhead, which will inevitably lead to a change in its grade.

So, when you’re planning a new open source project, please make sure to:

  • clearly understand the grade you’re starting with;
  • if this grade is unsustainable, understand the grade you’re aiming at and devise strategies to get there as quickly as possible;
  • put in place project operating principles that hold it within this grade.

Hope this helps and good luck on your adventures in open source! 

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