Better Credentials Screening

In my first post about credentials screening, I’ve offered sample code, which implements the solution. Being the quickly thrown together piece of code that it was, the sample had a couple of quirks. Oh, nothing big — just things like being stuck in an endless loop when you access it with a browser that has cookies disabled. So, here’s the new, improved rendition:

  • Provides more graceful handling of various browsers. The actual screening will only work on IE, but at least other browsers will not get stuck in a loop.
  • Handles browsers with no scripting enabled — while this is not a perfect solution, at least the script-less users will see a message asking them to click through to the actual page.
  • Silently supports forms authentication. If forms authentications is enabled, successful screening will result in user authentication. Otherwise, the system will revert to the login screen.
  • Thanks to the tip, provided by Craig Andera, the module no longer requires a special RequiresAuthentication.xml file. This is almost completely a drag-n-drop solution now — you still have to register it in Web.config.

Take a look — let me know how it works for you. I welcome any suggestions, especially on how to improve no-scripting support.

NOTE: The code in this post is deprecated by the code in this one. The link to the old code is for historical purposes only.

3 thoughts on “Better Credentials Screening”

  1. Hello Dimitri,
    Can you send me the file. I would like to play around with this.

  2. Hello Dimitri,
    Can you send me the file. I would like to play around with this.

  3. dharnesh, Gregory

    Unfortunately, the file was lost in transition and I am unable to recover it.

    However, it should be fairly easy to reconstruct the technique from the original article.

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